1.Login to Schoolbase using your Username and Network Password
2.In Home Page, Click Lesson Registration 

3.Select the Day option e.g. Monday
4.Select the Teaching Group option

5.Dates from Term 1 will be displayed. The current date will be displayed in orange colour

6.Remember if you have multiple periods on the same day, you will have multiple columns to mark.

6. Make sure there is a tick mark near Force Overwrite option and Present is selected for default status.

7. Once confirmed, Click S button. Attendance for all student will be marked with Status P.

8. If you need to mark Absent for Student, type A for the student who is absent for your lesson. 

9. If you not sure, click on the default status list to see the required alphabets

10. Remember, it will not allow you to type other than required characters.

 11. Attendance Percentage will be reflected automatically near the student name to track it immediately.